In accordance with the provisions of articles 6-III and 19 of the French Digital Economy Law (Loi pour la Confiance dans l’Économie Numérique), we inform you that:

This website is published by: Artelia Digital Solutions
Having its head office located at: 171, Boulevard de l’amiral Mouchez – 76600 Le Havre – France
Contacts: Tel. +33 (0)1 55 84 10 10 –
Intracommunity VAT number: FR 70 328 195 607
Simplified joint stock company (société par actions simplifiée under French law) with a capital of 250 000 euros – Le Havre Trade and Companies Register no. 328 195 607 – SIRET  328 195 607 00259

The “” website publication manager is Adams M’baye Communication Manager in the Marketing, Communication and CSR Department.

Artelia Group has implemented a personal data protection policy, which you can read here.



48 Rue Croix des Petits Champs
75001 Paris

Tél : 01 55 50 04 04



9, rue Campagne Première
75014 Paris

Tél : +33-9 59 33 55 44


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The information provided on this site is general and given for guidance purposes only. It makes no claim to be exhaustive. In particular, the references quoted in the pages of this document do not mention the projects’ originators, partners or funding agencies. The aim is mainly to give as representative an idea as possible of the projects in which Artelia Digital Solutions has been involved. Although the content is regularly updated, Artelia will not be held liable for any changes to administrative and legal provisions after publication.

Artelia Digital Solutions cannot guarantee that the information given on its website is accurate, complete and up to date.

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The same applies to any databases produced by Artelia Digital Solutions appearing on the website, which are protected by the provisions of the French law of 1 July 1998 transposing into the French intellectual property code the EU directive of 11 March 1996 relating to the legal protection of databases.

The brands of Artelia Digital Solutions and its partners and the logos appearing on the site are protected by intellectual property law. They are fully owned by Artelia Digital Solutions or its partners. Full or partial reproduction of these brands or these logos on the basis of site components without the express authorisation of Artelia Digital Solutions is therefore prohibited by virtue of the French intellectual property code. Artelia Digital Solutions will not be held liable for the use of links from its website to other resources available on the Internet.

The existence of a link between the ““ and an external site shall under no circumstances indicate that  Artelia Digital Solutions guarantees the content of the said site and more particularly any use thereof. In particular, Artelia Digital Solutions will not be held liable for attacks from viruses or other computer parasites spread via the said external sites.

Artelia Digital Solutions will not be held liable under any circumstances for direct, indirect or specific damage resulting from use of the ““ website and/or the interpretation of its content. In particular, Artelia Digital Solutions will not be held liable for any operating, commercial or financial loss or any loss of programs or data from the computer systems of visitors to the ““ website. All disputes relating to use of the ““ website are governed by French law.